Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Retail Theraphy

So...there was this guy that I was talking to for a while but we have parted ways. I took a liking to him immediately, but I can see now that we are on two completely different pages. Ever since we stopped talking, I find myself buying things at any chance I get. Online shopping is the worst! As minute I'm browsing, the next, something is in my shopping cart. The next, my debit card gets pulled out and I have purchased numerous products! I stare as my card is constantly being swiped or my fingers punching in its digits on a computer like I'm some sort of money machine.
The worst part is I don't even have money like that, but I'm just continuously spending. For some reason, I feel that the items I'm purchasing are necessities and I need them now or never. I've had this shopping problem before in the past, but it has never been this bad. I haven't experienced it like this in a very long while. I think I'm using this to escape the current situation I'm in called 'my reality'. The only wahala is that I don't think its working. I've began to try my best to keep the guy off my mind and focus on the business of buying and selling. Hahaha..Buying and selling ke? Na just buying I dey succeed in.
Thank God for return policies! I'm going to go through the items that I've bought and try to return some back. I think I'll keep the groceries. If you see the madness that has been my life recently, you won't even believe I'm normal. I'm even too scared to look at my current account balance. #ShameOnMe. My retail therapy has definitely helped keep me occupied and almost cleared out my bank account. God forbid bad thing! I need to get a grip of myself. I am turning a new leaf today my brothers and sisters.

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