Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ify's Fitness Expo Invitation

If you don't know by now, Ify is my immediate younger bush baby sister. I am with this girl almost 24/7 and she hates it. Lol. I know she loves it deep down inside, if not... then too bad. It's the card life has dealt her and I love it!
 Ify is highly fitness-oriented. She lost a lot of weight within the past two years and I'm extremely proud of her. She got invited for a second time to host a booth at The Lousiana Fit Chicks Expo in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and she dragged me along. I don't think I have mentioned it here, but if you know me very well, then you know I do not like exercise or working out cha cha! 
As in, this girl has been trying to drag me along to work out with her for the longest time and I have only gone once with her in my lifetime. That day, I thoroughly embarrassed myself in the gym. After that, I ran away and hide from her whenever she's about to hit that dungeon. I just no get that kind physical energy. If something looks, sounds or feels heavy, I'm off to the left. Lol, but it's so true! I wear workout clothes because they look good and I give off the feel that I'm athletic. Lol. People always laugh at me because they think I have a workout regime until I tell them the truth. For where? I laugh with them jare!
 I had a blast yet again at the Expo with her and her friend (Marie). Ify had a few prizes at her table and the attendees loved it. They had to do various workout moves to get a prize (I can't believe I didn't get a picture of the table). She had protein bars, bags, workout shorts, training packages etc. There was a squat challenge for the main giveaway which was a basket filled with a lot of pre and post workout goodies. Boy oh boy, this was the most popular challenge of the day! Everyone wanted to win that basket, but it was left down to two ladies who kept on squatting their lives away! As in, they did over 100 squats! The winner of the squat challenge scared me from the moment she came in. She was so built and muscular. As in, na babe that no man or woman should NEVER dare to mess with or it will be over. She was a sweetheart, but she was damn strong! 
Overall, it was a great experience and I thoroughly enjoyed supporting Ify yet again!

Ify and I posing like we know we're cute and you can't tell us otherwise

Ify and attendee doing burpees for her table prizes

The winner of the squat challenge and runner-up with Ify and a guy from GNC fitness

Fitness trainer teaching a hip-hop course

Acting out with the girls like always

Fitness trainer teaching a fitness workout

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