Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I'm Officially a BabySitter!

You guys! I believe I outdid myself this week. One of my friends, Michael asked me to babysit his beautiful daughter Ada, while he and his lovely wife Mandy go out on a date. I was scared to death, because this was going to be my first babysitting job ever! I used to look after my little sister when she was younger (but that doesn't really count...she's my sister). You might be wondering why in the world I was "terrified". Here it goes. My youngest sister was the biggest challenge ever known to man back in the days (I make myself sound so old. Lol). She is so smart and talented with her strategic mind games, that she used to drive me insane. Chasing her from one staircase to the next, looking for where she might have ended up in the house, and figuring how to cut off the edges of her sandwiches without missing a single spot were only a few headaches she gave me. It got to the point where I used to run away from kids whenever I saw too many at once. Lol...sounds pathetic, I know!

---(WATCH) Ada learnt my name---
When I had told Michael I would babysit in the past, I really didn't think the day would come that he would make me honor my promise. Anyways, I said yes with a huge smile on my face, but with one exception: my immediate younger sister had to help me. He said that wouldn't be a problem since Ada would have more people to entertain her. I was so relieved! #Phewww If I was going into the battlefield, I would need some support by my side. My friend Ojo dropped us off and we were ready for what was to come. Michael and Mandy quietly left the house without Ada noticing, she was too busy playing with her toys. I couldn't believe it! She had no idea! Ok, the first part was over. After an hour, she asked "Where is my mommy and daddy?". I had no response for her, so I enticed her with the pizza that was on its way. She fell for it. "Jesus is Lord!" is all I kept on exclaiming in my head. She went about her business and began watching a cartoon. The pizza finally came about 15 mins later and she ate it peacefully. As spills, vomit or wahala. I was shocked and overwhelmed with joy, but couldn't let her notice. Later on, we played more games, I taught her to count bigger numbers and made videos together. Michael and Mandy returned after about an hour and a half more and I didn't even want to leave. Ada had FINALLY learnt my name and even wanted to share pretzels with me. I was surprised that I actually had such a good time looking after a child. Lol...that sounds pathetic, I know! I had such a good time that I just agreed (about an hour ago) to babysit again today. Gotta run to make it there on time. Bye yal!

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